Chicken & Dumplings not Chicken IN Dumplings

It hadn’t occurred to me that I had never actually had chicken and dumplings before I decided I was going to make them. Reading over the recipe from The Novice Chef, it struck me, I had long thought that the chicken went inside the dumpling. Not in the soup itself. And clearly, if I had no idea this is how the dish worked, I probably hadn’t eaten it before. Because I certainly couldn’t remember ever doing so.

Off I went to cook it up! It turned out just lovely. I was very impressed with how easy it was to make and how delicious it turned out.

Culinary school starts in less than two weeks! My uniform has been ordered, my work Sketchers are on their way, I am prepped, ready, and eager to get started.

Although, I still can’t figure out how I obtain my knives. I figure that will be explained later. Can’t imagine they will be teaching knife cuts first day of class.